ESG & Sustainability

Creating energy with integrity through our sustainability efforts

Array's Sustainability Strategy

Founded in Albuquerque over 30 years ago, Array is the original American solar manufacturing success story. Array has led the way on sustainability through its use of a traceable American supply chain and low-carbon American steel. Our business strategy is designed to take climate action by helping to facilitate the global energy transition. As a company dedicated to responsibility and long-term sustainability, we recognize the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) topics that pose opportunities and risks to our business. Our strategy is focused on understanding our stakeholder needs through regular engagement, managing the priority areas of ESG that pose the greatest risks and opportunities to our business, and communicating transparently on how we drive good governance into every function.

Read our message from leadership

Explore Sustainability and Governance

Environment and Climate
With climate action at the center of our business strategy, sustainability is at the forefront of our business decisions.
Social Accountability
Our people are the key to our long-term success, from exceeding customer expectations to advancing solar technology.
Governance and Reporting
Array's governance structure includes our ESG Executive Steering Committee and ESG Working Group.
Product Sustainability and Responsible Sourcing

With an eye toward the future, we’re researching new ways for our products to enable next-generation energy production and storage—lighting the way to a brighter, smarter future.

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