ARRAY SmarTrack™
ARRAY SmarTrack™ Automated Snow Response
Intelligent snow load management

Snow accumulation can pose a significant challenge for solar projects. ARRAY SmarTrack™ Automated Snow Response is designed to intelligently manage snow loads, reducing structural requirements and project costs.
ARRAY SmarTrack™ Automated Snow Response Features & Benefits
Ultrasonic Snow Depth Sensors
Integrated into customer supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), these sensors detect snow accumulation rates.
Predictive Weather Services
Optional integration to identify the probability of snowstorms.
Intelligent Tracking
Our SmarTrack Controller positions trackers to maximum stow based on real-time data.
Cost Savings
Reduces the required number of foundations and allows cost optimization for module mounting.

Why Choose ARRAY’s Snow Response Software
The number of on-site ultrasonic snow sensors per site scales with the size and shape of the project. The sensors are connected to customer SCADA through a network gateway. The locally installed SmarTrack Controller continuously analyzes accumulation rates to detect snow conditions. If the rate of change in snow depth exceeds a certain threshold, the tracker moves to its maximum tilt position, reducing snow accumulation on the modules.