Governance and Reporting

Governance and Board

At the Board level, our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee reviews and monitors the development and implementation of the company’s evolving ESG goals and provides guidance to the Board on such matters. Array Technologies, Inc. (ARRY) is listed on NASDAQ-GM and fulfills the exchange’s board diversity rule, which is designed to encourage a minimum board diversity objective for companies and provide stakeholders with consistent, comparable disclosures regarding a company’s current board composition. To learn more about our governance structure, please see our most recent Proxy Statement and our Governance Site.

ESG Governance and Oversight

Our ESG initiatives are overseen by two coordinated governance structures:

ESG Executive Steering Committee

Our ESG Executive Steering Committee meets quarterly and is responsible for:

  • Defining ESG priorities, objectives, and strategy with the goal of further integrating sustainability into the Company’s strategy and operations
  • Assisting the Nominating and Governance Committee of Board of Directors in fulfilling oversight responsibilities with respect to the Company’s ESG efforts
  • Delegating responsibilities to implement ESG strategy to appropriate members of their team
  • Regularly reviewing the company’s ESG performance and providing recommendations for improvement

ESG Working Group


Our ESG Working Group meets regularly and is responsible for:

  • Overseeing key programs or initiatives as directed by the ESG Executive Steering Committee and the appropriate executive sponsor
  • Developing action plans to achieve our 2025 ESG goals
  • Maintaining metrics, systems, and procedures, as deemed necessary and appropriate, to monitor and track ESG matters

Related Policies

Environmental Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct
Code of Business Conduct
Human Rights Policy

Our Policies

Our 2025 Governance Goals

Questions for our ESG team?

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